'숏콘 #short content #short contents #短文 #쇼트콘텐츠'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2024.06.06 현충일

숏콘 Short Content

살아돌아오지 못해 영웅이 된 것이 아니다.
목숨을 걸고 거기에 갔기 때문에 영웅이다.

Memorial Day
He didn't become a hero because he went there and couldn't come back.
He's a hero because he risked his life to go there.

충혼승천상 Statues of heroes going up to the sky Ⓒ 국립서울현충원

'숏콘 Short Content' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by jinokorea